Finished Lens
Lens Tools
Mineral Glass


imishini yokwenza imithi, izinto zokupakisha kanye

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Mayelana NATHI

Mayelana nencazelo yefektri


I-Hongchen optical ingomunye wabakhiqizi abakhulu be-lens ebonakalayo e-China. Singabantu inkampani yeqembu futhi sigxile kulensi efakwe eminyakeni engaphezu kwengu-30 kusukela ngo-1985. Isizinda sokukhiqiza senkampani yethu sifinyelela ku-200000 m2, enabasebenzi abanamakhono ababalelwa ku-1600.

Ngemishini engu-50 yaseNingizimu Korea yobuchwepheshe be-AR nemishini ye-Satisloh RX evela eJalimane, singakhiqiza izingcezu ezingama-300000 zekhwalithi ephezulu nsuku zonke. Yonke imigqa yethu yokukhiqiza ivuselelwa eminyakeni emithathu edlule…

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Funda kabanzi

Izincwadi zethu zezindaba, imininingwane yakamuva mayelana nemikhiqizo yethu, izindaba nokunikezwa okukhethekile.

Uphenyo lwe-Pricelist
  • The company introduces a large number of talents, researches projects and is responsible for customers


    Inkampani yethula inani elikhulu lamathalenta, icwaninga amaphrojekthi futhi ibhekele amakhasimende

  • The company introduces a large number of talents, researches projects and is responsible for customers


    Inkampani yethula inani elikhulu lamathalenta, icwaninga amaphrojekthi futhi ibhekele amakhasimende

  • The company introduces a large number of talents, researches projects and is responsible for customers


    Inkampani yethula inani elikhulu lamathalenta, icwaninga amaphrojekthi futhi ibhekele amakhasimende


Ukusebenza komkhiqizo nekhwalithi yethu kunconywa kakhulu

  • 200 K m2 200 K m2

    Ukwakhiwa Kwefektri

  • 35 + 35 +

    Iminyaka Yesipiliyoni

  • 20 + 20 +

    Iminyaka Yomlando

  • 1 600 + 1 600 +

    Inombolo Yabasebenzi

  • 60 mill.+ 60 isigayo. +

    Amandla Wonyaka


Imininingwane yemboni yamalensi

2021.03.20 Lens Health, Khetha Hongchen.

Ilensi yezempilo entsha ye-Hongchen ne-Ambassador yesithombe somhlaba wonke Qala isahluko esisha.

Hongchen Group umemezele ngokusemthethweni Wang Leeh ...

NgoMashi 20th, iJiangsu Hongchen Group (ngemuva kwalokhu efushaniswe njengeHongchen Group) ibambe ...
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I-Silmo 2019 eParis Franch

I-Silmo 2019 Paris Franch 2019 Silmo Paris Isikhathi: 27th, Septhemba ~ 31, Septhemba 2019 ...
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I-Opti 2019 Germany

I-Opti 2019 Germany Inombolo yethu yedokodo: C4 235 Referce ID: 41364-1 Hall / Stand: C4 235 ...
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